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Fausto is recorded before Arsenio? Did you have that on your bingo card? Will listen to the Fado..Henderson was a gas...Oakland is a deep dive into many aspects of US History - there's a nice historical museum there...a good starting point...

So we really don't have a clear idea about Greek colors. Gage's chapter goes into it in some detail and doesn't come out with much clarity. I think the ps-Aristotle de Coloris postdated his book ...but won't give you much either. Noticing the odd contexts in which the topics on color come up (eg Aristotle saying that the object of vision is surface=chroma) should makes us suitably cautious about trying to parse the Greeks regarding music...

It's no accident that the bad taste in painting Greek sculpture comes from the likes of Burne-Jones...Winckelmann is to blame for the white...

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